Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are not compatible with all versions of a particular browser. If you do not have a compatible version, some or all of the shortcuts might not function.


Description Shortcut Key
Add Bookmarks Ctrl + D
Bookmarks Ctrl + B
DOM Inspector Ctrl + Shift + I
Downloads Ctrl + J
Full Screen View F11
Help F1
History Ctrl + H
Page Source Ctrl + U
Print Ctrl + P
Refresh Page F5
Refresh Page & Cache Ctrl + F5
Save Page As Ctrl + S


Microsoft Internet Explorer

Description Shortcut Key
Move virtual cursor to the top of the web page Control + Home
Move virtual PC cursor to the end of the web doc. Control + End
Go to a new web page/visit a new site Control + O or Control + l
Open another web browser window Control + N
To toggle the History pane/window on and off Control + H
To toggle the Favorites pane/window on and off Control + I
To bookmark the currently loaded page as a Favorite Control + D
Opens the ‘organize your Favorites’ treeview window (Turn off virtual cursor first with insert z) Control + B
Move cursor to the Address bar Alt + D
Stop downloading current page Escape Key
Refresh the currently loaded web page F5


Netscape Navigator

Description Shortcut Key
Open new browser window Ctrl + N
Close browser window Ctrl + W
Open location box Ctrl + O
Open History window Ctrl + H
Add current page to bottom of your Bookmarks list Ctrl + D
Select all items on current page Ctrl + A
Find text on current page Ctrl + F
Reload current page Ctrl + R
Stop loading current page Esc
Increase font size Ctrl + ]
Decrease font size Ctrl + [


Last Updated Nov 5, 2018